School Policies

Details of our Admissions Policy can be found in the School Prospectus

Equalities Statement:

Within the Equality and Community Cohesion Policy, you will find the Disability Equality and Accessibility Plans, which set out actions that we aim to take to improve specific areas for the pupils, parents, staff and visitors to school.<

We are aiming to raise the levels of progress and attainment of pupils who are eligable to receive funding via the Pupil Premium Grant, so that they achieve in line with their peers and meet National Expectations by the end of KS1 and KS2.

If you would like to request any of the below policies as a paper copy, please contact the school office and these can be made available at no cost.

Complaints Policy .pdf [ pdf | 10mb ]
Speak-Up-and-Whistleblowing-Policy.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Safeguarding and Child Protection 2024 25.pdf [ pdf | 9mb ]
Vexatious or Persistent Complaints Policy September 2023.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
Medical-Needs-Policy 2023.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Intimate Care SEPT 2023 FINAL .pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
English Policy 2023.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Charging and remissions policy 2023.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
Parental Licence Policy September 23.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Uniform Policy SEPT 2023.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
Attendance & Punctuality Policy 2023 - 2024.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Computing Policy.pdf [ pdf | 8mb ]
Child on Child Abuse.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
Homework Policy [ pdf | 1mb ]
Accessibility Plan.pdf [ pdf | 1mb ]
Mental Health and Well being policy [ pdf | 3mb ]
Freedom of Information.pdf [ pdf | 3mb ]
RSE.pdf [ pdf | 6mb ]
Equality Policy and Equality Objectives.pdf [ pdf | 1mb ]
Behaviour Policy.pdf [ pdf | 6mb ]
Risk Assessment for return to Schools autumn term FINAL.pdf [ pdf | 3mb ]
Privacy Notice 2019.docx [ docx | 1mb ]
Assessment Policy.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
PE Policy .pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
Anti-bullying.pdf [ pdf | 3mb ]
Code of Conduct for parents.pdf [ pdf | 3mb ]
Esafety policy.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]
Social media policy.pdf [ pdf | 4mb ]
EAL Policy.pdf [ pdf | 2mb ]